Training & Capacity Building

We see poverty as a denial of choices and opportunity. The incidence of poverty is due to adverse natural conditions, inadequate infrastructure, human capabilities, social structure and policy decisions. These are the factors contributing to overall lower social and economic attainments.

As a development agency livelihood analysis and generating livelihood options for the poor is the beginning, while through the process of capacity building of concerned organizations and institutional development ultimately our action supports poverty reduction. The approach and the commitment of ours’ towards the initiative is therefore multi-dimensional. It involves large number of partners and stakeholders.

Our initiative strives towards appreciating people’s basic potential to lead the process of socio-economic change. Here people are nucleus to the process of development. Supportive social and political climate and a development perspective, which values sustainability and empowerment of the communities, were felt important. Development has thus become empowering and liberating, affording individuals and groups meaningful opportunities to exercise choices.

Training is envisaged as a major component as the people and henceforth institutions have to be upgraded in knowledge, skill and awareness. Our approach aims at self-sustained development, helping people and institutions become more effective technology developers themselves. This way, the people are encouraged to generate and evaluate indigenous technologies and to choose, test and adopt external technologies on the basis of their own knowledge and value systems.

We see Human Resource Development as a continuous process and an integral part of the project implementation process. It is intimately linked with the sustainability of the program. For strengthening the process of development, ADI is involved in capacity building at various levels. ADI focuses on Human Resource Development and Capacity Building for all stakeholders at different level. This is meant for facilitating processes, participation, technology development and responsiveness of the institutional set up to the project needs.

We have been involved in development of the program pedagogy, training and providing technical support, development of training methodology and material, and developing management systems for various programs. We are involved in training on environmental resources management, water resource development and management, agriculture, watershed management, rural development, livelihoods, micro-enterprise, gender, community empowerment and institutional development. We have organised number of leadership development programs at various levels for Community, Government and Civil Society personnel to strengthen their issues based skills and development perspective for appropriate planning, successful implementation of development initiatives.


Facilitating Project Development Processes …

ADI has PAN India presence and plans to expand Globally. Alternative Development Initiatives (ADI) has been working in various capacities in more than 20 States in India. ADI has future plans to expand its learning and experience Globally