
Our Programs


Water & Environment

Concern for water and environment is growing very rapidly and being voiced all over the world. In India, it is the growing human population on one hand,…

Agriculture and Rural Development

Agriculture and therefore land has played the most crucial role in the evolution of human society. In the context of India, agriculture and allied sectors contribute only 17% of the GDP…


SHG’s and Community Empowerment

ADI as partners in development facilitates an alternative paradigm of development that values appreciating people’s basic potential to lead the process of socio-economic change…


Monitoring & Evaluation

Constant monitoring and evaluation of development projects is one of the most critical parameters to ensure that the project meets its deadline and desired results…


Training & Capacity Building

We see poverty as a denial of choices and opportunity. The incidence of poverty is due to adverse natural conditions, inadequate infrastructure, human capabilities, social structure and policy…

Governance & Institutional Development

ADI in collaboration with Government, Bilateral and Multilateral Agencies, External funders & Civil Society Organisations, and Corporate Sector initiates measures to conserve environment…

Urban & Regional Development

Development is a challenging paradigm. The task is very large and one’s contribution is miniscule. Promoting sustainable development for the larger society remains key challenge in development…


Facilitating Project Development Processes …

ADI has PAN India presence and plans to expand Globally. Alternative Development Initiatives (ADI) has been working in various capacities in more than 20 States in India. ADI has future plans to expand its learning and experience Globally